The importance of hydration for athletes: performance and well-being

Drinking water is essential to stay healthy, and it is even more so when you practice a sport to be in top shape! Given our body mass, represented by approximately 60% by water, it is essential to understand the importance of hydration for optimal functioning. The practice of sport in particular, leads to particularly high water requirements, which are added to the normal functioning of the metabolism. This article will allow you to discover all the details.
1. Understand the basics of hydration
1.1 The role of water in the body
Water is used in many ways by the body. In the blood, it is used to transport the oxygen we breathe . Water is found in many other places: it is also involved in many internal reactions in the human body, such as the hydrolysis of ATP which creates muscle energy. It is the vector of some of our waste with urine, but it is also the solvent of gastric juice which allows the breakdown of food, necessary for digestion.

Water is above all one of our only means of ensuring thermal homeostasis , that is to say maintaining our body at an optimal temperature . Indeed, water has on the one hand a high thermal capacity (higher than the majority of metals!) and represents 60% of our mass, thus allowing effective conservation of heat. In addition, it serves, through perspiration, to evacuate heat outside our body to cool it.
1.2 Why do water requirements vary?
The different water needs depend mainly on the body volume and the use that is made of it, mentioned just above. A person of greater mass will need even more water, just as an athlete will use it much more quickly by much more abundant sweating.
1.3 Risks associated with insufficient hydration
Insufficient hydration can lead to many problems , especially because of the many roles that water must fulfill. This is called dehydration . It has many signs and symptoms starting with thirst, and only gets worse. Water losses such as urination and sweating continue to occur to the detriment of other needs, thus reducing the blood volume passing in particular to the brain, which is also very sensitive to temperature variations. In addition to a general dysfunction of the body and the increased risk of cramps , you can therefore expect nausea and even neurological disorders in the most extreme cases.
2. Hydration and sports performance: an essential link

2.1 Why is hydration essential for athletes?
Among the roles of water , some are in high demand among athletes, in particular cooling through perspiration which requires and results in the loss of large quantities of water. Exhaled air is saturated with water vapor and it should be noted that an athlete exhales much more air. This is why water is lost very quickly, hence the importance of drinking regularly during exercise to remain efficient and avoid dehydration.
2.2 Signs and consequences of dehydration on performance
As soon as dehydration and thirst appear, water begins to be lacking and it is no longer possible to sweat sufficiently, so body heat increases. However, body temperature must be maintained for the metabolism to function properly. If this is not the case, certain important chemical reactions are slowed down or prevented because proteins and enzymes need a very precise temperature to function properly. In addition to the intense feeling of thirst, the athlete experiences a reduction in the efficiency of a large number of vital functions, thus decreasing their performance . According to some scientific studies, 2% dehydration is equivalent to 20% less physical and cognitive performance . Imagine a marathon runner who runs the most famous Olympic distance in 4h30, would take 5h24!
2.3 Preventing cramps and maintaining performance
Muscle cramps are usually associated with dehydration and are fatal for an athlete's performance. In addition to preventing them from continuing to exercise, they can be immediately followed by an injury and are, as everyone knows, very painful. This is why, with more frequent cramps and the general decrease in body capacity, it is therefore essential for an athlete to hydrate properly.
3. When and how to hydrate depending on the effort?
3.1 Before the effort: prepare yourself properly
First of all, the most effective thing for an athlete is to be properly hydrated before exercise. This will help delay the first need to drink during performance. But the most important thing is to have a good electrolyte balance. Indeed, electrolytes , and in particular sodium , are necessary for several body functions but are particularly useful for conserving and using water more efficiently. However, perspiration mainly removes water and minerals such as sodium (which come from the white marks on your clothes when you sweat a lot!). It is therefore interesting to consume electrolyte drinks to compensate for these mineral losses. Especially since the blood sodium level decreases during exercise, thus amplifying the loss in performance.
3.2 During exercise: staying efficient

During physical activity, it is important to maintain good hydration to optimize your performance and thus delay fatigue . Electrolyte intake will play a key role in helping to preserve water balance, support muscle contraction and limit the risk of cramps. Proper hydration from the start of the effort can also promote better recovery once the session is over.
3.3 After exercise: recover effectively
After exercise, it is certain that the electrolyte level, particularly sodium, has dropped. It is then recommended to consume drinks rich in electrolytes to be able to recover more easily and ensure a good electrolyte balance.
4. What drinks should you choose for optimal hydration?
4.1 Water: the essential element not to be neglected
Water is the basis of hydration and remains essential for the proper functioning of the body. Electrolytes will come in addition to optimize its effectiveness, but good hydration begins above all with regular consumption of water, whether it comes from the tap or from bottles .
4.2 Electrolyte-enriched drinks: for specific needs
Water alone may not be enough to compensate for water and mineral losses for specific needs such as during very hot periods , synonymous with significant water loss, sports activities or recovery from dehydration. This is where electrolyte-enriched drinks will help restore water balance and optimize the body's absorption of water.
4.3 Recovery drinks: repair after exercise
After physical exercise, hydration also plays a key role in muscle recovery and the replenishment of mineral reserves. Solutions enriched with electrolytes will help to better restore this balance while promoting rapid and effective rehydration. This is where you can use Hydratis , a solution based on minerals and trace elements, which will allow you to better absorb water by the body. The lozenges are available in a variety of flavors such as peach, wild berries, lemon elderflower...

Having good hydration is essential for physical activities and exercise, which use the body's water much faster. To maintain maximum performance, it is therefore advisable to adapt your diet and consume drinks rich in electrolytes, and above all to stay perfectly hydrated, whether before, after, or during sports exercise.