Heat wave: Hydration advice for the Senior
For EHPADs, in addition to managing Covid, there is also the management of the heatwave . How are they dealing with this difficult period?
A heatwave occurs when temperatures exceed 35°C during the day without dropping below 20°C at night, for several days in a row. For everyone, it is a real scourge: heatwaves slow down activity and can cause sunstroke and severe dehydration , particularly in the elderly . Why are they more vulnerable than others?
First of all, they often suffer from sweating disorders , their bodies do not produce enough sweat and do not adapt well to sudden temperature increases.
There may also be a disruption in the thirst mechanism , which occurs with delay in the elderly .
As we age, the amount of water in our bodies decreases: from 75% in infants to only 50% in seniors . In addition, certain medications (diuretics, laxatives) and even certain illnesses (diabetes) increase water loss. It is therefore essential for them to drink regularly.
How to manage heatwaves in nursing homes?
In EHPADs, care teams must provide the necessary care to each resident 24 hours a day.
During a heatwave , dehydration could be fatal as in 2003 when it cost the lives of more than 14,800 elderly people during one of the deadliest heatwaves in history.
Following the wave of deaths caused by the coronavirus , they must be all the more vigilant to avoid the risk of new contaminations. What are the solutions to prevent history from repeating itself, especially during this period of covid-19?
Their lifestyle must be doubly adapted:
In your home : close the shutters, curtains or blinds of windows located on facades exposed to the sun; at night, create drafts in the home; check that the air conditioning is well filtered to avoid transmission of the virus; disinfect the rooms regularly.
When traveling : avoid taking elderly people out during the hottest hours (11 a.m.-3 p.m.); make them wear masks.
In their wardrobe : when going out, make sure they wear a hat and loose, light-coloured clothing;
In their diet : make them drink between one and a half and two liters of water per day; do not make them consume alcohol which impairs their ability to fight against heat waves and promotes dehydration ; avoid drinks with a high caffeine content or that are very sweet; make them eat normally even when they are not hungry.
In order to stay hydrated on a daily basis, a solution was designed by two young French people , Théo Heude and Jérémy Boué, long-time friends, whom they met in Australia. After experiencing dehydration situations during their travels, they decided to take a closer look at it.
Among other things, they want to help seniors by offering them a solution rich in mineral salts and trace elements to consume by dissolving a tablet in water. A method that optimizes water absorption and better withstands heat waves.
The founders of Hydratis are not stopping there, they are currently working on developing a formula with a working group made up of health professionals and members of the French Red Cross as well as EHPAD patients. The goal is to offer the most optimal and innovative solution to help the most vulnerable people.