
Pourquoi boire du froid en hiver ?
| 4 min

Winter brings with it chilly winds and freezing temperatures, but that doesn't mean your water consumption should take a backseat. On the contrary, understanding why cold drinking during winter seasons...

| 4 min

Winter brings with it chilly winds and freezing temperatures, but that doesn't mean your water consumption should take a backseat. On the contrary, understanding why cold drinking during winter seasons...

L'importance de l'hydratation : Comment boire plus d'eau en hiver ?
| 4 min

In winter, it can be tempting to neglect our water consumption . However, hydration remains crucial to maintaining our overall health. Our bodies need water for essential functions such as...

| 4 min

In winter, it can be tempting to neglect our water consumption . However, hydration remains crucial to maintaining our overall health. Our bodies need water for essential functions such as...

froid hydratation bien être bonne santé
| 4 min

The causes of winter fatigue, the main diseases Winter fatigue is a completely ordinary situation. The lack of sun and heat, the shorter and moreover more rhythmic days are the...

| 4 min

The causes of winter fatigue, the main diseases Winter fatigue is a completely ordinary situation. The lack of sun and heat, the shorter and moreover more rhythmic days are the...

Grippe hivernale : symptômes et risques, stratégies de prévention. Comment bien s’hydrater pour soutenir son système immunitaire  ?
| 3 min

The flu is a very dreaded respiratory infection during the winter season. Indeed, although it heals in a week and without complications for the majority of people, the symptoms it...

| 3 min

The flu is a very dreaded respiratory infection during the winter season. Indeed, although it heals in a week and without complications for the majority of people, the symptoms it...

Comment une bonne Hydratation peut vous sauver des grippes et des maladies hivernales ?
| 4 min

To begin, let's go back to an essential point: the impact of the cold on the human body! What exactly is going on? First, in cold weather, our closeness to...

| 4 min

To begin, let's go back to an essential point: the impact of the cold on the human body! What exactly is going on? First, in cold weather, our closeness to...

maladies saisonnière hiver remède
| 3 min

Arrival of winter, dehydration, deficiencies and reduced immunity: how to protect yourself with hydration? Why do we get sick more often in winter? In winter, our common sense tells us...

| 3 min

Arrival of winter, dehydration, deficiencies and reduced immunity: how to protect yourself with hydration? Why do we get sick more often in winter? In winter, our common sense tells us...

Bien être hiver boisson
| 4 min

The effects of good hydration in winter to stay in shape: evening infusions and Hydratis The phenomenon of dehydration in winter: Two-thirds of the body is composed of water. This...

| 4 min

The effects of good hydration in winter to stay in shape: evening infusions and Hydratis The phenomenon of dehydration in winter: Two-thirds of the body is composed of water. This...

Maintenir son niveau d'énergie sur les pistes cet hiver
| 5 min

What to eat and drink on the slopes this winter to maintain your energy levels? As the ski resorts are about to open this season, you will soon be able...

| 5 min

What to eat and drink on the slopes this winter to maintain your energy levels? As the ski resorts are about to open this season, you will soon be able...

Montagne, altitude et déshydratation : La boisson hydratante Hydratis
| 2 min

In this article we analyze the impact of altitude on our need for hydration and explain how the Hydratis solution is ideal for your stay! The Effects of Altitude Humidity...

| 2 min

In this article we analyze the impact of altitude on our need for hydration and explain how the Hydratis solution is ideal for your stay! The Effects of Altitude Humidity...

Comment soigner une gastro-entérite cet hiver ?
| 4 min

How to treat gastroenteritis? Winter is fast approaching and with it, the end-of-year celebrations, time with family and friends, but also the drop in temperatures and the seasonal illnesses that...

| 4 min

How to treat gastroenteritis? Winter is fast approaching and with it, the end-of-year celebrations, time with family and friends, but also the drop in temperatures and the seasonal illnesses that...

La fatigue en hiver_ le coup de blues _ la déprime hivernale_hydratis_hydratation_minéreaux_potassium
| 6 min

Are you lacking energy, your morale is not in good shape, a desire to doze off or a greater appetite for sugar? You may be one of the 1 in...

| 6 min

Are you lacking energy, your morale is not in good shape, a desire to doze off or a greater appetite for sugar? You may be one of the 1 in...

L'hydratation à la montagne ou en hiver avec Hydratis
| 5 min

Hydration at altitude is key to maintaining your energy level Fatigue, headaches , dry mouth , body aches , cramps... These symptoms of dehydration are known, but often associated with...

| 5 min

Hydration at altitude is key to maintaining your energy level Fatigue, headaches , dry mouth , body aches , cramps... These symptoms of dehydration are known, but often associated with...