Arrival of winter, dehydration, deficiencies and reduced immunity: how to protect yourself with hydration?
Arrival of winter, dehydration, deficiencies and reduced immunity: how to protect yourself with hydration?
Why do we get sick more often in winter?
In winter, our common sense tells us to go out well covered to “not catch cold”. But in reality, why do we get sick in winter?
In fact, several reasons explain why we are more often in bad shape during the dry season, starting with the proliferation of cold, flu or gastroenteritis viruses, favored by the drop in temperatures. In addition, the transmission of these is accentuated by the fact that one evolves a lot in closed spaces. Also, winter comes with its share of changes in climatic conditions and lifestyle, which unbalance our body. Thus, the drop in light and the decrease in physical activity will weaken our body, and sometimes our morale.
And that's not all, the hydration of our body is also put to the test: indeed, the reflex to drink is much less present than during the summer, or the spring. However, interiors heated (often excessively) by radiators and fireplaces are conducive to significant water loss for the body. And this is only without taking into account the excesses of the end-of-year celebrations which sometimes leave their mark on the body: rich meals which follow one another, consumption of alcoholic beverages ... It is thus far from being impossible to meet in a state of dehydration during the winter. However, this state is deleterious for our body and represents a potential danger.
How is the lack of hydration harmful for our body?
To find out if you are dehydrated, look for the following symptoms: a feeling of thirst, of course, but also dark urine or dry mucous membranes. This state represents an imbalance in the homeostasis of the body that we must try to repair as quickly as possible. Indeed, hydration is essential to the body, allowing it to function properly from organs such as the kidney to the cells. A lack of hydration can also contribute to a drop in immunity, especially when other deficiencies of certain nutrients have set in in the middle of winter. This represents one more opportunity for winter microbes to come and nest in your body.
How to avoid dehydration in winter?
For this, we adopt the right eating and hydration behaviors. We ensure a suitable diet and a regular supply of water throughout the day. To do this, you can, for example, keep a water bottle close at hand and drink it every hour. The goal is to reach 1.5L of water per day, and to aim even higher when playing sports. In addition, you can consume other drinks to supplement this intake, while varying the pleasures. In winter, infusions will be your best friends, to be preferred to tea and coffee which are diuretic. Likewise, excessive alcoholic beverages should be avoided, as ethanol dehydrates the body very significantly.
At mealtime, do not put aside seasonal fruits and vegetables which are themselves vectors of hydration. Soups and soups are highly recommended during the dry season, for example, leek juice, which is a source of antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin B9. Conversely, too much protein intake can dry out the body. For this one, also prefer fish to red meat because it is rich in vitamin D, a nutrient that tends to be scarce in winter.
If, despite your efforts, deficiencies set in, your pharmacist or your doctor may suggest that you replenish certain nutrients by taking food supplements. For example, it is not uncommon to have magnesium deficiencies during the winter. These are manifested by muscle weakness and significant fatigue, and can be easily corrected by supplementation with this trace element.
Similarly, zinc plays a central role in growth, neurological functions, but also in immune defense! Thus, in winter, to fill up on this important nutrient, you can bet on foods rich in zinc such as seafood, meats, cheeses and offal. We can possibly take food supplements, while asking the advice of our doctor because, be careful: we must not provide more of this nutrient than necessary at the risk of causing a deleterious imbalance for the body.
To combine hydration and supply of trace elements, it is also possible to use commercial rehydration solutions containing minerals in large quantities. For example, products from the Hydratis range will be allies of choice in order to stay in optimal shape this winter.
Thus, you know all the good habits and tips to preserve good hydration throughout the dry season. This will also help maintain your immunity, which will help you keep in shape even during the longest days of the year, and enjoy the joys of these with complete peace of mind!