
Comment savoir si on est bien hydratés ? Les signes de la déshydratation

I- What are the benefits of good hydration? Two-thirds of the body is composed of water. This means that for a weight of about 70 kilos, the human body contains...

I- What are the benefits of good hydration? Two-thirds of the body is composed of water. This means that for a weight of about 70 kilos, the human body contains...

Canicule et Hydratation : Comment rester frais et hydraté pendant les périodes de chaleur intense

In the summer months, when temperatures rise and the sun shines intensely, heatwaves can set in, putting our bodies to the test and requiring special attention to our hydration. During...

In the summer months, when temperatures rise and the sun shines intensely, heatwaves can set in, putting our bodies to the test and requiring special attention to our hydration. During...

Comment détecter et prévenir la déshydratation pour maintenir sa santé

Two-thirds of the body is composed of water, which is about 46 liters for a person weighing about 70 kilos. Water is essential for maintaining the health of the body....

Two-thirds of the body is composed of water, which is about 46 liters for a person weighing about 70 kilos. Water is essential for maintaining the health of the body....

maux de tête fatigue urines

Urinary tract infections are a common condition that affects millions of people around the world each year. They can be caused by bacteria growing in the urinary system, which can...

Urinary tract infections are a common condition that affects millions of people around the world each year. They can be caused by bacteria growing in the urinary system, which can...

eau santé bien etre cerveau

Water is the fundamental element of our body, making up about 60% of our total body weight. Hydration is crucial for our physical and mental health, especially for the optimal...

Water is the fundamental element of our body, making up about 60% of our total body weight. Hydration is crucial for our physical and mental health, especially for the optimal...

Pourquoi est-il important de bien s’hydrater pendant ses menstruations ?

Each month, a majority of women will have their period . Menstruation is a natural phenomenon that occurs in women of childbearing age. They mark the beginning of puberty and...

Each month, a majority of women will have their period . Menstruation is a natural phenomenon that occurs in women of childbearing age. They mark the beginning of puberty and...

Baccalauréat Master Licence réussir

I) Did you know? The water content of the human body. Our body is made up of 60% water. We must therefore constantly provide it with this element in order...

I) Did you know? The water content of the human body. Our body is made up of 60% water. We must therefore constantly provide it with this element in order...

Hydratis vous donne LA solution pour lutter contre la fièvre, les migraines et les maux de tête.

Headaches and migraines are one of the symptoms of a lack of hydration. Dehydration corresponds to a lack of water and mineral salts in the body, essential for the proper...

Headaches and migraines are one of the symptoms of a lack of hydration. Dehydration corresponds to a lack of water and mineral salts in the body, essential for the proper...

La déshydratation causée par la chimiothérapie

Hydration during chemotherapy What is chemotherapy, what side effects does it cause and how can deep hydration help the patient overcome these challenges? What is chemotherapy?   Chemotherapy is part...

Hydration during chemotherapy What is chemotherapy, what side effects does it cause and how can deep hydration help the patient overcome these challenges? What is chemotherapy?   Chemotherapy is part...

Crampes nocturnes et hydratation

The importance of hydration and minerals to prevent night cramps We are all familiar with cramps: these involuntary contractures of the muscles during which they become suddenly stiff and very...

The importance of hydration and minerals to prevent night cramps We are all familiar with cramps: these involuntary contractures of the muscles during which they become suddenly stiff and very...

Crampes musculaires nocturnes : causes et remèdes

We give you the solution against night cramps! Why do I have cramps? What are they due to? Cramps are defined by involuntary contractures of a muscle or group of...

We give you the solution against night cramps! Why do I have cramps? What are they due to? Cramps are defined by involuntary contractures of a muscle or group of...

Les crampes nocturnes de jambes et mollets : causes, remèdes et traitements

What causes nighttime cramps? Cramps are not a phenomenon reserved only for athletes. You may have already experienced intense muscle contractions that woke you up in the middle of the...

What causes nighttime cramps? Cramps are not a phenomenon reserved only for athletes. You may have already experienced intense muscle contractions that woke you up in the middle of the...

Quelle est l'importance du sommeil sur la santé ?

The importance of sleep on health Just like hydration, sleep has a real impact on health. Indeed, sleep of adequate duration and quality improves the general state of mental and...

The importance of sleep on health Just like hydration, sleep has a real impact on health. Indeed, sleep of adequate duration and quality improves the general state of mental and...

Comprendre les crampes nocturnes de jambes et mollets : causes, remèdes et traitements

What causes night cramps? Cramps are not phenomena reserved for athletes. You have already experienced intense muscle contractions that woke you up in the middle of the night: you are...

What causes night cramps? Cramps are not phenomena reserved for athletes. You have already experienced intense muscle contractions that woke you up in the middle of the night: you are...

Comment empêcher et soulager les crampes musculaires nocturnes ?

How to prevent night cramps? Has a sudden, intense and painful contraction in your leg ever woken you up in the middle of the night? Have you had what is...

How to prevent night cramps? Has a sudden, intense and painful contraction in your leg ever woken you up in the middle of the night? Have you had what is...

Quelle est l’importance des communautés de patients en ligne ?

E-health: how important are online patient communities? In recent years, online health forums and patient communities have emerged. Within these platforms, patients discuss their experience with the disease. Places for...

E-health: how important are online patient communities? In recent years, online health forums and patient communities have emerged. Within these platforms, patients discuss their experience with the disease. Places for...

L'hydratation du nourrissons et les solutions de réhydratation pour nourrisson

Why is it important to monitor good hydration in babies? The child is not a miniature adult: this is a basic concept in medicine that should not be neglected. Indeed,...

Why is it important to monitor good hydration in babies? The child is not a miniature adult: this is a basic concept in medicine that should not be neglected. Indeed,...

Comment lutter contre les vagues de chaleurs de l'été et éviter les coups de chaud ?

What tips are there to combat the summer heat? Episodes of intense heat are happening more and more frequently and are trying for the body, although it has a natural...

What tips are there to combat the summer heat? Episodes of intense heat are happening more and more frequently and are trying for the body, although it has a natural...

Quels sont les effets de la déshydratation ?

You have all heard of dehydration, but do you really know its effects? Do you know how to recognize the effects of dehydration on your body? Here we will give...

You have all heard of dehydration, but do you really know its effects? Do you know how to recognize the effects of dehydration on your body? Here we will give...

A votre avis, pourquoi a-t-on soif après avoir bu de l’alcool ?

Why is the feeling of dryness or dehydration so strong after drinking alcohol ? We will explain everything to you ! Alcohol is a “diuretic” , this means (to simplify)...

Why is the feeling of dryness or dehydration so strong after drinking alcohol ? We will explain everything to you ! Alcohol is a “diuretic” , this means (to simplify)...


In 2016, on the occasion of World Water Day, a survey conducted among the French informed us that 75% of them had a daily water intake lower than the minimum...

In 2016, on the occasion of World Water Day, a survey conducted among the French informed us that 75% of them had a daily water intake lower than the minimum...

10 remèdes contre la gueule de bois

The expression " hangover " is very well known and widespread, yet many do not know how to apprehend it! It affects a large number of us regardless of our...

The expression " hangover " is very well known and widespread, yet many do not know how to apprehend it! It affects a large number of us regardless of our...

Mesurer son hydratation-hydratis-déshydratation-electrolytes

How much water is it recommended to drink each day? Hydration and taking care of your daily water intake is key to staying in shape. Indeed, maintaining a good level...

How much water is it recommended to drink each day? Hydration and taking care of your daily water intake is key to staying in shape. Indeed, maintaining a good level...


Here are 5 things to do for your daily health We often think that being healthy means not being sick. However, health can be considered as a daily and protean...

Here are 5 things to do for your daily health We often think that being healthy means not being sick. However, health can be considered as a daily and protean...