We give you the solution to pass your exams with complete peace of mind!
I) Did you know? The water content of the human body.
Our body is made up of 60% water. We must therefore constantly provide it with this element in order to compensate for its use by our cells and organs. For this, it is recommended to drink 1.5L to 2L of water per day, depending on the specific needs of each, varying according to biological sex, age, physical activity or weather conditions.
The brain, meanwhile, is not left out: it is made up of 80% water, which easily explains the link between dehydration and difficulty concentrating. Indeed, oral water intake is essential for maintaining our blood volume. When this contribution is not sufficient, this volume will eventually decrease, and the blood will circulate less well to the brain. The latter will therefore be less well oxygenated. Water supply is therefore vital to human biological functions. It would thus suffice to remain only a few days deprived of water to succumb to it. By way of comparison, a properly hydrated person could survive without eating for forty days.
II) The impact of dehydration on your biological and cognitive functions.
Moderate dehydration (<2% of body weight) will cause you to experience the following symptoms: dry mouth, thirst, concentrated urine and muscle weakness. In addition, you may experience fatigue and lack of concentration, headaches or even dizziness, due to the lack of water on your brain. It has thus been possible to observe in humans a reduction in productivity of 25 to 50% for dehydration of the order of 3%. This state is therefore particularly undesirable during revision or exam periods: it is an underestimated source of learning difficulties which could nevertheless affect your success.
Conversely, good hydration will promote optimal thinking, memory and concentration skills in you! The importance of water in mood management will eventually allow you to better manage your stress. Similarly, it has been observed that drinking a lot before an intellectual exercise increases reaction time by a significant amount. But that's not all: maintaining good hydration has benefits that go far beyond improving your cognitive abilities. It also promotes the elimination of toxins by the body, helps regulate its temperature and improves your physical performance! The right amount of water makes your kidneys and digestive system work properly.
Thus, by bringing him the water he needs, you will take care of your whole body! During the period of the exams, it is advisable to be particularly vigilant on these contributions in order to bring your cognitive functions to their full potential. This also represents an inexpensive and healthier option to boost your ability to concentrate than the use of certain drugs which, even if sometimes effective, will always present a risk relating to their use.
II) How to achieve excellent hydration? How can Hydratis help?
Now that you are convinced of its benefits, only one question remains: how to achieve this optimal hydration?
One watchword: drink ! And again and again. To ensure this, you can rely on simple rules: first, do not wait to be thirsty to hydrate yourself. In effect, this means that you are already in an advanced state of lack of water. Instead, take a water bottle with you and set goals throughout the day (e.g. finish your water bottle in the next two hours, etc.).
Secondly, this is common sense but adapt your consumption to changes in your daily life: thus, hydrate yourself all the more when the temperature is high (in summer, or near the fireplace in winter), when you plan to practice an activity relatively high physique or even when you are sick with a fever.
Then, do not neglect your diet ! Indeed, a good part of your water intake can be brought by food, in particular by fruits and vegetables. This represents more exactly 1L out of 2.5L of your total needs! Therefore, consume fruits and vegetables at will and make sure to bring them in all forms in your menu! For example, you can enhance your days with soups and soups that will only improve your state of hydration. On the other hand, it is best to avoid excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages which, not to mention the addictive risk they represent, have a particularly dehydrating effect on the body.
Also, to maximize your performance during exams, you can choose to consume oral rehydration solutions, such as those in the Hydratis range. The latter contain a multitude of minerals (magnesium, potassium...) and trace elements (zinc, manganese...) which will bring you many benefits in addition to a significant increase in water absorption by the body. This will allow you, ultimately, to adopt a proactive attitude regarding the hydration of your body and your needs will only be better met.
We don't often think about correcting our water consumption when we have deficits in concentration and memorization. For good reason: few of us know that they are in fact simply dehydrated. But now that you are well aware of the importance of good hydration in the full efficiency of our cognitive functions, you will never again go to the library or the exam room without your water bottle full! Make way for success!