How to improve your concentration during exams?
Exam periods are often synonymous with stress and long hours of revision. Many people struggle to stay focused , disrupted by various distractions and unfavorable conditions. In this article, we'll explore why it can be difficult to concentrate on a daily basis , the importance of hydration for your brain to function properly, and give you practical tips for staying well hydrated and focused during your workouts. revisions. Get ready to discover simple, yet effective strategies to optimize your cognitive performance and approach your exams with confidence.
Why can't I concentrate?
In fact, it is not uncommon to spend entire days revising without being able to achieve a sufficient level of concentration . Sometimes it is necessary to take breaks or engage in stimulating activities to revitalize memory and improve concentration . To do this, it is important to integrate moments of relaxation and relaxation techniques which can help you focus better on your studies.

Difficulty concentrating is a common problem that many of us face, especially during stressful times like exams. Several factors can explain this lack of concentration such as stress and anxiety which can overload our mind and make it difficult to concentrate on a single task. Additionally, they increase levels of cortisol, a hormone that can disrupt cognitive function and memory. Insufficient sleep can also affect our ability to concentrate and integrate information, which directly impacts cognitive performance. Also, an unbalanced diet , high in sugar and fat, can lead to low energy levels. Additionally, noisy environments and digital distractions like phones and social media can constantly interrupt our attention. Finally, even mild dehydration can decrease our cognitive abilities, affecting our concentration and memory .
The importance of hydration for good concentration
You should know that dehydration has a direct effect on the quality of concentration. Since the brain is made up of almost 75% water, even mild dehydration can disrupt mood and cognitive function , affecting concentration , alertness and short-term memory in children, young adults and adults. old people. In fact, studies show that 2.8% dehydration impairs visual perception, short-term memory and psychomotor skills . This is why drinking water is essential , which highlights the importance of staying hydrated for optimal cognitive performance. Good hydration thus ensures an ideal blood volume, which allows a sufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Furthermore, water will help regulate body temperature and maintain ideal cognitive functions.
Indeed, adequate hydration will help limit fatigue and headaches , two factors that can harm concentration and mental performance. Drinking water regularly throughout the day therefore helps maintain a constant level of hydration, ensuring that the brain functions at full capacity.
Our practical advice to improve concentration
Here are some ways to improve your concentration at work:
Take regular breaks
We advise you to take regular breaks, every 2 hours maximum, in order to increase your concentration time.
Limit your use of screens and social media
Consider taking screen breaks and limiting your use of social media to rest your eyes and mind. Blue light from screens can strain your eyes and disrupt your sleep, which can affect concentration in the long term.
Organize your workspace

Organize your workspace. A tidy, distraction-free environment can greatly improve your ability to concentrate . Make sure everything you need is within reach and eliminate unnecessary items that can distract your attention.
Create clear task lists and set priorities
Make clear to-do lists and set priorities. Knowing exactly what you need to accomplish and in what order can help you stay focused and avoid procrastination .
Use time management techniques like the Pomodoro method
Try time management techniques like the Pomodoro Method , which involves working for 25 minutes followed by a 5-minute break . This can help you maintain high concentration by segmenting work into intervals.
Maintain regular hydration with Hydratis

Finally, remember to drink water regularly throughout the day . Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink and drink small amounts of water continuously. Little tip: always have a bottle of water handy with Hydratis tablets , especially during revision sessions to maintain a constant level of hydration and avoid drops in concentration. Establish a hydration routine by integrating regular breaks into your study schedule. For example, drink a glass of water with a tablet in the morning to start your day , another after lunch to boost your concentration and finally take one in the afternoon to keep you hydrated throughout the rest of the day . With Hydratis you will help prevent mental fatigue, which will maintain your ability to concentrate on important tasks and reduce mental fog. Thanks to Hydratis tablets, you will achieve your concentration goals!
Hydration is a key element in maintaining good concentration and cognitive performance during exams. By following these simple but effective tips, you can ensure that your brain remains well hydrated and thus reduce your concentration problems. Stay well Hydratis !