
Jus de pomme pour soigner la diarrhée : mythe ou réalité ?

Le jus de pomme est souvent présenté comme un remède contre la diarrhée, mais est-ce vraiment une bonne option ? Dans cet article, nous allons nous intéresser à ses propriétés...

Le jus de pomme est souvent présenté comme un remède contre la diarrhée, mais est-ce vraiment une bonne option ? Dans cet article, nous allons nous intéresser à ses propriétés...

L’hydratation du corps : Comment bien s'hydrater pour se sentir bien ? - HYDRATIS

Water, the first constituent of the body (composed of 60% water on average), is at the heart of the proper functioning of our body. Indeed, water is essential to life....

Water, the first constituent of the body (composed of 60% water on average), is at the heart of the proper functioning of our body. Indeed, water is essential to life....

L'équilibre hydrique : tout savoir pour bien s'hydrater

You've probably wondered whether or not you're drinking enough water on a daily basis, and if that's the case, then this article is for you! We'll see how to be...

You've probably wondered whether or not you're drinking enough water on a daily basis, and if that's the case, then this article is for you! We'll see how to be...

Déficit en eau libre et hypernatrémie : comprendre les liens et les enjeux

The dangers of poor hydration or uncontrolled dehydration are not always known. We often talk about the lack of electrolytes or the lack of water and their consequences, but what...

The dangers of poor hydration or uncontrolled dehydration are not always known. We often talk about the lack of electrolytes or the lack of water and their consequences, but what...

La déshydratation en cas de diarrhée : que faire ?

When you have loose or watery stools, it is called diarrhea. It is a very common health condition that usually resolves without intervention. However, it greatly increases the risks of...

When you have loose or watery stools, it is called diarrhea. It is a very common health condition that usually resolves without intervention. However, it greatly increases the risks of...

Boisson électrolyte : danger ou allié ? Ce que vous devez savoir

Electrolytes are becoming more and more popular, especially in the world of sport. Many specialists recommend the consumption of electrolyte drinks during physical activity. We hear about these drinks and...

Electrolytes are becoming more and more popular, especially in the world of sport. Many specialists recommend the consumption of electrolyte drinks during physical activity. We hear about these drinks and...

Qu'est-ce qu'il faut boire quand on a la gastro ?

Gastroenteritis , often called " gastro ", is one of the most common infections in children. Characterized by inflammation of the digestive mucosa, this viral or bacterial infection can cause...

Gastroenteritis , often called " gastro ", is one of the most common infections in children. Characterized by inflammation of the digestive mucosa, this viral or bacterial infection can cause...

Déshydratation chez l’enfant : quels sont nos conseils ?

A child can become dehydrated quickly, especially during illness or in extreme heat . This is a dangerous phenomenon because dehydration unfortunately remains a major cause of infant mortality. In...

A child can become dehydrated quickly, especially during illness or in extreme heat . This is a dangerous phenomenon because dehydration unfortunately remains a major cause of infant mortality. In...

L’importance des apports hydriques pour notre santé : comment bien s’hydrater ?

Hydration is often cited as one of the essential pillars of a healthy lifestyle. However, it remains underestimated in our daily lives. Invisible and easily forgotten, good hydration is nevertheless...

Hydration is often cited as one of the essential pillars of a healthy lifestyle. However, it remains underestimated in our daily lives. Invisible and easily forgotten, good hydration is nevertheless...

Quels effets secondaires peuvent provoquer les électrolytes ?

Electrolytes are often mentioned when it comes to sports or hydration , but their function, benefits , and potential side effects are sometimes unclear. What are electrolytes and what side...

Electrolytes are often mentioned when it comes to sports or hydration , but their function, benefits , and potential side effects are sometimes unclear. What are electrolytes and what side...

Déshydratation et fièvre : symptômes, causes, prévention et solutions rapides

Fever is a common symptom of many diseases because it is an effective mechanism of the body to eliminate intruders. But is it a symptom of dehydration ? And in...

Fever is a common symptom of many diseases because it is an effective mechanism of the body to eliminate intruders. But is it a symptom of dehydration ? And in...

S’hydrater et se réhydrater : les bons réflexes à adopter

Hydration is often cited as one of the essential pillars of a healthy lifestyle, alongside a balanced diet , physical exercise and quality sleep . Yet it remains underestimated in...

Hydration is often cited as one of the essential pillars of a healthy lifestyle, alongside a balanced diet , physical exercise and quality sleep . Yet it remains underestimated in...

Déshydratation sévère : comprendre, reconnaître et réagir

You've probably heard that you need to drink at least two liters of water a day to stay hydrated. However, it's easy to underestimate your daily intake because our body...

You've probably heard that you need to drink at least two liters of water a day to stay hydrated. However, it's easy to underestimate your daily intake because our body...

Comment éviter la rétention d'eau ?

The body is made up of 60% water, which is distributed throughout its entirety and circulates continuously to nourish the cells. Blood pressure ensures that it moves properly in the...

The body is made up of 60% water, which is distributed throughout its entirety and circulates continuously to nourish the cells. Blood pressure ensures that it moves properly in the...

Comment prévenir une infection urinaire en buvant de l'eau régulièrement ?

Urinary tract infections are common infections of the urinary system, which include the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Among the most common, you are surely familiar with cystitis . They...

Urinary tract infections are common infections of the urinary system, which include the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Among the most common, you are surely familiar with cystitis . They...

Quels sont les dangers de boire trop d'eau ?

You have probably heard that it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. This is general advice but it is important to qualify because if...

You have probably heard that it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. This is general advice but it is important to qualify because if...

Quels sont les effets de la consommation d'alcool ?

It is important to remember that Hydratis is an oral rehydration solution used to create an ultra-hydrating hypotonic drink and combat the effects of mild dehydration. Hydratis is not an...

It is important to remember that Hydratis is an oral rehydration solution used to create an ultra-hydrating hypotonic drink and combat the effects of mild dehydration. Hydratis is not an...

L'hydratation vue par la naturopathie

  Hydration is a pillar of health. Naturopathy being a natural discipline, which advocates simple and effective methods to maintain the balance and well-being of the body . Through this...

  Hydration is a pillar of health. Naturopathy being a natural discipline, which advocates simple and effective methods to maintain the balance and well-being of the body . Through this...

Comment améliorer votre concentration en période d’examen ?

Exam periods are often synonymous with stress and long hours of revision. Many people struggle to stay focused , disrupted by various distractions and unfavorable conditions. In this article, we'll...

Exam periods are often synonymous with stress and long hours of revision. Many people struggle to stay focused , disrupted by various distractions and unfavorable conditions. In this article, we'll...

La déshydratation en cas de gastro : que faire ?

Dehydration in case of gastroenteritis: what to do? Gastroenteritis , commonly called "gastro", is an infection that affects many people every year. Often resulting from a viral or bacterial infection,...

Dehydration in case of gastroenteritis: what to do? Gastroenteritis , commonly called "gastro", is an infection that affects many people every year. Often resulting from a viral or bacterial infection,...

Info et intox sur l’hydratation : Comment maintenir une hydratation parfaite ?

Debunk preconceived ideas about hydration. Learn about water needs, tips for maintaining optimal hydration, and how Hydratis can help you restore fluid and energy balance. Essential reading for optimal health.

Debunk preconceived ideas about hydration. Learn about water needs, tips for maintaining optimal hydration, and how Hydratis can help you restore fluid and energy balance. Essential reading for optimal health.

La ménopause et les bouffées de chaleur : Comment soulager ces symptômes ?

I - Understanding menopause and its hormonal symptoms Menopause is an inevitable event in a woman's life, resulting from the gradual decline in estrogen production by the ovaries. Traditionally, it...

I - Understanding menopause and its hormonal symptoms Menopause is an inevitable event in a woman's life, resulting from the gradual decline in estrogen production by the ovaries. Traditionally, it...

Stratégies d'hydratation optimales : Équilibrer l'intérieur et l'extérieur pour une santé maximale

Optimize your well-being by discovering how to maintain optimal hydration through a healthy diet, appropriate skincare products, and practical advice. Hydration, essential for your health and beauty, will no longer...

Optimize your well-being by discovering how to maintain optimal hydration through a healthy diet, appropriate skincare products, and practical advice. Hydration, essential for your health and beauty, will no longer...

Les meilleurs méthodes pour prévenir et soulager les crampes nocturnes

Find out how to prevent and relieve nighttime cramps with simple and effective tips. Hydratis can be your solution for peaceful nights without cramps. Prioritize your well-being and sleep peacefully.

Find out how to prevent and relieve nighttime cramps with simple and effective tips. Hydratis can be your solution for peaceful nights without cramps. Prioritize your well-being and sleep peacefully.