
La déshydratation chez les personnes âgées : reconnaître les signes et agir
| 5 min

Dehydration can be promoted by certain external conditions such as high summer heat. Some people are also more at risk of dehydration such as an elderly person , a child...

| 5 min

Dehydration can be promoted by certain external conditions such as high summer heat. Some people are also more at risk of dehydration such as an elderly person , a child...

Quelles sont les principales carences alimentaires des personnes âgées ?
| 5 min

As we age, the human body goes through many changes, some of which directly affect nutritional needs and nutrient absorption . In older adults, these changes can lead to various...

| 5 min

As we age, the human body goes through many changes, some of which directly affect nutritional needs and nutrient absorption . In older adults, these changes can lead to various...

Quel sport pour les personnes âgées ?
| 4 min

Welcome to our guide dedicated to choosing the ideal sport for seniors! In this article, we will explore the benefits of physical activity for seniors, and we will give you...

| 4 min

Welcome to our guide dedicated to choosing the ideal sport for seniors! In this article, we will explore the benefits of physical activity for seniors, and we will give you...

Tout savoir sur les fausses routes : L'hydratation et la dysphagie chez l'adulte
| 6 min

“Wrong routes”: The causes and symptoms of false routes and how to react in the event of a false route? False routes are obstruction of the airways by a foreign...

| 6 min

“Wrong routes”: The causes and symptoms of false routes and how to react in the event of a false route? False routes are obstruction of the airways by a foreign...

Seniors : comment garder la forme ?
| 3 min

Stay active to keep in shape: the key to well-being! To keep in shape , you have two allies to never let down whatever your age : physical activity and mental activity. But...

| 3 min

Stay active to keep in shape: the key to well-being! To keep in shape , you have two allies to never let down whatever your age : physical activity and mental activity. But...

Découvrez les meilleures astuces pour s'hydrater efficacement !
| 3 min

Hydration is one of the keys to well-being. Discover how to optimize your hydration with Hydratis . A well hydrated metabolism brings many benefits to optimize health and well-being on...

| 3 min

Hydration is one of the keys to well-being. Discover how to optimize your hydration with Hydratis . A well hydrated metabolism brings many benefits to optimize health and well-being on...

La déshydratation en EHPAD : Pourquoi le risque de déshydratation est-il si important ?
| 4 min

Dehydration in nursing homes: Why is the risk of dehydration so high? Dehydration in EHPAD: Two-thirds of the body is composed of water. This means that for a weight of...

| 4 min

Dehydration in nursing homes: Why is the risk of dehydration so high? Dehydration in EHPAD: Two-thirds of the body is composed of water. This means that for a weight of...

L'hydratation de l'adulte : Réhydratation rapide avec Hydratis
| 5 min

Hydration in adults aged 50 and over is a health and well-being issue that should not be neglected In 2018, a guideline from ESPEN (European Society for Clinical Nutrition and...

| 5 min

Hydration in adults aged 50 and over is a health and well-being issue that should not be neglected In 2018, a guideline from ESPEN (European Society for Clinical Nutrition and...

L'hydratation chez le sénior : Maintenir son bien-être au quotidien pour vivre mieux
| 6 min

Hydration in seniors: how to maximize well-being as they age? With increasing age, many factors promote dehydration, it is also one of the first metabolic disorders encountered in retirement homes...

| 6 min

Hydration in seniors: how to maximize well-being as they age? With increasing age, many factors promote dehydration, it is also one of the first metabolic disorders encountered in retirement homes...

| 7 min

The importance of hydration in seniors Proper hydration in the elderly helps to preserve their health. It helps eliminate toxic substances from the body, or regulate body temperature in the...

| 7 min

The importance of hydration in seniors Proper hydration in the elderly helps to preserve their health. It helps eliminate toxic substances from the body, or regulate body temperature in the...

La déshydratation, un problème sensible chez les personnes âgées - HYDRATIS
| 1 min

Find our article on Paris Match produced by Karyn Bauer We met Paris Match to talk to them about Hydratis; the start-up since its launch and its ambitions! There are...

| 1 min

Find our article on Paris Match produced by Karyn Bauer We met Paris Match to talk to them about Hydratis; the start-up since its launch and its ambitions! There are...

Canicule seniors hydratation conseils
| 2 min

For EHPADs, in addition to managing Covid, there is also the management of the heatwave . How are they dealing with this difficult period? A heatwave occurs when temperatures exceed...

| 2 min

For EHPADs, in addition to managing Covid, there is also the management of the heatwave . How are they dealing with this difficult period? A heatwave occurs when temperatures exceed...